Good Afternoon,
Further to my email below, please find detailed the costs to the Council of the Independent Investigation, carried out by North West Employers.
(Apologies that this request has been delayed until today and not responded to on the due date of 28 September 2009.)
Costs including VAT were £14,678.95
I hope the information I have supplied is of use to you.
Kind Regards
Natasha Eubank has made an annotation to the above as follows:
is there no hard copy evidence to support the amount quoted by WBC?
There should be.
Veridici has made an annotation with the following:
Natasha Eubank, my information from a very reliable source is that the investigation was not carried out by North West Employers.
Vic Hewitt of Vic Hewitt Consulting Ltd (Regd. No. 06490633) retired from North West Employers over nine months prior to being appointed by WBC.
He is a one-man business working from home. Around £3,000 per day (not £5,000 as stated on WDTK ) is a very nice little earner for a pensioner, isn't it?
Just when you think it can't get any worse, too!

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