Peter Forrester, Oneplace spokesperson for Wirral said:
'Crime rates have been cut and this is a safe place to live. Anti-social behaviour has reduced but it remains a concern for local people. Waste recycling has increased significantly over the past two years and littering and graffiti is reducing. Educational progress is good for most pupils.'
'Health is improving but there are variations in life expectancy between people in the richest and poorest neighbourhoods. People in the borough are becoming more active and the numbers giving up smoking is increasing. The Council needs to do more to safeguard vulnerable adults to ensure that they are not at risk of abuse and neglect.'
Oneplace provides an independent overview of local public services. It will help people see how well their local services, including councils, police and the NHS, are serving their needs and how well these services are working together to improve an area's quality of life.
The assessment for Wirral is one of 152 covering all areas of England. These assessments combine the views of six independent inspectorates to create a single snapshot of an area. They look at how important local issues, such as crime, affordable housing and people's health, are being tackled - and the prospects for improvement.
As well as telling a story about an area, Oneplace sometimes uses green and red flags: green to indicate exceptional performance or improvement that other public services could learn from: red to signal significant concerns about performance and prospects for improvement where more, or something different, needs to be done.
The Wirral area has a red flag for safeguarding vulnerable adults
The Oneplace website also includes information on what inspectors and other organisations will do next to help local services tackle their red flag issues.
Alongside the area assessment, the Audit Commission has also published its organisational assessments for councils and fire authorities. These assessments feed into the overall area assessment but focus on the performance and value for money of individual public services, as well as how effectively they work together.
In Wirral, this means that:
Wirral Metropolitan Borough Council is judged to perform adequately
Merseyside Fire And Rescue Authority is judged to perform well
More detailed assessments of social care, education and police services can be found on the websites of Care Quality Commission (external link), Ofsted (external link) and Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Constabulary (external link).

© copyright Oneplace. Reproduced under fair use for the dual purposes of comment and news reporting
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