Martin Morton's contribution to the meeting is summed up in one paragraph:
With the agreement of the Chair, Mr Morton addressed the Committee. He expressed concern in relation to some of the findings of the audit, in particular that the policy approved in 1997 was reasonable and thus lawful. Mr Morton pointed out that it had been implemented without consultation.And that's it!
If you were present on 23 September, and believe that the minutes are a travesty, please make your comments and feelings known to all of the following:
ARMC clerk Mark Delap -
The following Councillors were all present at the meeting and must be fully aware that the minutes are not a true reflection of the meeting:
Cllr Jim Crabtree -
Cllr Leah Fraser -
Cllr Jeff Green -
Cllr Simon Holbrook -
Cllr Simon Mountney -
Jean Quinn -
Lesley Rennie -
Cllr Peter Reisdorf -
Cllr John Salter -
Cllr Paula Southwood -
District Auditor and Auditor for Wirral were also present
Liz Temple-Murray -
The press who have been covering the story and/or were present:
Craig Manning -
Lee Marles -
For far too long Martin Morton has carried this fight single-handed. Now is the time for the people of Wirral to show he is not a lone voice in the wilderness.
The Council taxpayers of Wirral pay these people's wages. Make them work for you.
Write now and demand the minutes be amended. Demand an external inquiry, an independent external inquiry. Demand the police be called in.

© excerpts copyright Wirral Council. Reproduced under fair use for the dual purposes of comment and news reporting
Thank you for this list, Veridici. We were present at the meeting and the minutes bear no resemblance to the actuality. We have emailed most of the people on your list and hope others will do the same.
ReplyDeleteThe Loose Cannon