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Thursday, 27 August 2009

Mayor of Wirral's car caught parked on double yellow lines

Liverpool Echo - by Carrie Catterall

THE Mayor of Wirral has apologised after his car was spotted parked illegally in Birkenhead.

Councillor Andrew Hodson, who presides over a council that employs a spy car to catch errant motorists, has said his driver made "an error in judgement" after he parked on double yellow lines in Old Bidston Road, Birkenhead, at around 2pm on Wednesday.

His grey Jaguar - with the number plate WCM 1M - was spotted by a local businessman who has recently been issued with a ticket from the council’s spy car for illegal parking.

He said: "I am just disgusted that there’s one rule for the mayor and one for the public.

"If the council issues these tickets, then people representing the council should set a good example.

"This whole thing just makes a mockery of parking restrictions."

The Mayoress, Kathy, was alone in car and its driver was standing nearby when Cllr Hodson’s vehicle was snapped.

The Mayor said: "I wasn’t with the car when it was seen parked illegally and I have told my driver that it was a bad error of judgement to park in that way.

"This should never have happened and I have given my driver strict instructions to take more care in future and observe the parking restrictions in any place that we visit."

A spokeswoman for Wirral Council said: "However much we would like to, it is simply illegal for the council to issue a parking ticket based upon a photograph that hasn’t been provided by a parking enforcement officer.

"The council takes its obligations to comply with parking regulations extremely seriously.

"Staff and elected members will be treated no differently to any members of the public.

"The driver has been instructed to ensure that this incident is not repeated and has assured us that it will never happen again."

© copyright Liverpool Echo. Reproduced under fair use for the dual purposes of comment and news reporting

Mayor of Wirral apologises after his official car is spotted parked straddling double yellow lines - with pictures

Wirral Globe - by Justin Dunn

THE Mayor of Wirral Councillor Andrew Hodson has apologised after his car was spotted by a Globe reader parked on double yellow lines.

Wirral's first citizen - who presides over a council that employs a 'spy car' to issue tickets to errant motorists - had stopped off at an address in Old Bidston Road, Birkenhead, shortly before 2pm on Wednesday.

His official mayoral grey Jaguar - with the distinctive number plate WCM 1M - was seen by the Globe reader parked up, half on the pavement, straddling the double yellows, as pictured.

The Mayoress, Cllr Hodson's wife Kathy, was alone in the rear of the vehicle. The Mayor's chauffeur was standing nearby, while Cllr Hodson was inside a neighbouring business address.

The reader said: "For a council that hands out parking tickets like Smarties and employs a sneaky spy car to do its dirty work, this was just taking the Mick.

"The Mayor's supposed to set an example. But what would happen if any of us regular motorists copied this?"

Later, the Mayor and Mayoress were attending an event at a school for the blind in Birkenhead.

Today, Cllr Hodson apologised and told the Globe: "It was obviously a bad error of judgement. It should not have happened.

"I have asked my driver to take more care in future and observe the parking restrictions in any place that we visit."

It's understood the Mayor has had "strong words" with his chauffeur.

A spokeswoman for Wirral Council said: "However much we would like to, it is simply illegal for the council to issue a parking ticket based upon a photograph that hasn't been provided by a parking enforcement officer.

"The council takes its obligations to comply with parking regulations extremely seriously.

"Staff and elected members will be treated no differently to any members of the public.

"The driver has been instructed to ensure that this incident is not repeated and has assured us that it will never happen again."

The council's highways boss Dave Green, director of technical services, told the Globe: "A ticket can only be issued if an offence has been observed by a civil enforcement officer or an approved device, such as the Smart car.

"The Mayor and elected members are treated equally as any member of the public, and we have indeed ticketed the Mayor's car in the past.

"This area concerned does not have the surveillance car operating because it is patrolled by civil enforcement officers.

"If residents witness repeated examples of bad parking they can always contact us to send out an officer to their area."

© copyright Wirral Globe. Reproduced under fair use for the dual purposes of comment and news reporting

Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Civil servants' blunder holds up £4.5bn Wirral Waters scheme

Wirral Globe - by Justin Dunn

PLANS for the biggest development project in Wirral’s history have been set back after an embarrassing blunder by staff in the council’s planning department.

Unnamed civil servants missed including a vital document relating to the proposed £4.5bn Wirral Waters project when they submitted a report to the council’s planning commitee on Thursday.

The committee was meeting to consider Peel Developments’ application for the first part of its massive plans to regenerate the docklands area between Wallasey and Birkenhead.

But a 21-page objection to the scheme from Warner Estates - owners of The Pyramids and The Grange shopping centres - had mistakenly been left out of the file.

The gaffe meant the committee had to defer making any decision until it meets again next Thursday.

Peel’s application was seeking outline planning permission for around 1,700 homes to be built, along with retail outlets and offices. The company says it could create 850 jobs.

Peel and Wirral Council, who are supporting the scheme, believe Wirral Waters could eventually create 20,000 jobs and put the docklands area on a level with Vancouver and Shanghai.

It could however take anything up to ten years before any development would get under way because of the current instability in the financial markets.

Warner Estates are objecting to any shopping development to be included in the ambitious plans as it believes it would threaten “the future vitality and viability of Birkenhead town centre”.

The Peel plans will now go before the committee this Thursday.

The latest stage of Neptune Developments’ New Brighton scheme will be considered at the same meeting.

A council spokeswoman said: “The Wirral Waters Northbank East planning application has been deferred for technical reasons to ensure that members have all the relevant information before making their decision.

“The application will now be heard at planning committee on Thursday, August 13.”

© copyright Wirral Globe. Reproduced under fair use for the dual purposes of comment and news reporting

Monday, 10 August 2009

Make Wirral Council Repay unlawful charges to people in supported living

Kemal Houghton invites you to join the Facebook group "Make Wirral Council Repay unlawful charges to people in supported living".

To see more details and confirm this group invitation, follow this link:
(Note: Link to Facebook was not working. Please leave a comment if it is not now fixed.)

Make Wirral Council Repay unlawful charges to people in supported living

Type: Common Interest - Beliefs & Causes
Description: The Audit Commission have said that Wirral Council imposed a charge on people in supported living schemes that was unlawful. Although Wirral's Department of Adult Social Services claim that these charges have now ceased there has still been no offer of reimbursement. One local councillor has estimated that up to £1m has been taken off vulnerable people in this way. The council have a duty to protect such people from, amongst other things, financial exploitation and yet they have done nothing to put this matter right.

Members of this group are determined that Wirral Council will be made to make proper recompense.